
Yea yea yea I know I haven’t posted in a while.  Life has been a bit hectic lately which in a way is both good and bad.  It is very tiring but also refreshing that things are slowly but surely returning to “normal” (whatever that means).

So I was reminded that last Sunday was my 2 month anniversary of the date of my surgery.  It is surreal … in some ways it seems like very long ago and in some ways just like yesterday.  It is still difficult to believe someone can heal so much in a matter of a couple of months.

I am slowly but surely getting my energy back.  I was even able to do some yard work for an hour or so the other evening.  Work still both mentally and physically exhausts me but it is getting better.  When I first started back I practically collapsed into bed each day just resting, feeling like I had just come from an intense workout.  It is much better now.  I can come home and do a few chores before collapsing.

Now the weird part is that I am exhausted from all of this but have had serious issues with sleep.  For whatever reason I just cannot seem to fall asleep.  I am constantly restless tossing and turning all night trying to find that magic sweet spot that will calm me down and put me to sleep.  I used to simply take 2 benedryl and that would relax me enough to allow me to sleep fairly quickly.  No such luck anymore.  I have tried unisom, natural sleep aids, etc and so far the only relief has been from a combination of one unisom and four benedryl.

The great news is that I am hoping the leak has healed.  The lump has not made an appearance for about 4 days now and when it did the week before that it was very infrequent and much smaller than before.  We scheduled an appointment at John’s Hopkins on 8/3 when the lump was in full force.  Our hope is that when we see Dr. Weingart it will simply be a confirmation of our hopes and that everything will be okay.

So until next week it is YET and hardware migration time. Working 12 hour shifts for 24×7 coverage until July 12.  Won’t get on here much before then I reckon but hopefully I will be more diligent with keeping this updated once I do.

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